Friday, January 6, 2023

WWE NXT Jan. 3, 2023

So we're moving on to the new NXT of the year:

-Apollo Crews vs. Carmelo Hayes-Spectacular match, had some great action and counters with enough up in the air as for who would win that it wasn't a slam dunk winner. Impressive match all around and no issues.

-Axiom vs. Trick Williams-To then segue into this brief but still serviceable match playing off their different interactions is a nice touch. Axiom is one of the finest workers down there who can work well with anyone with a short but fun bout that sets up more conflict to come in the future between these four due to the post-match shenanigans.

-The New Day confronts Schism-Please, no. Let's keep Schism out of title pictures for the foreseeable future which doesn't seem to be the case here if they're teasing them working together. I still want more with Pretty Deadly so this isn't appealing in the slightest.

-Andre Chase meets Drew Gulak-Seems like a fine setup for later tonight which concerns the proper teacher going forward which is fine with me.

-Dijack vs. Stacks-A brief but still fun match, setup with the backstage bit involving the capture and warning about future involvement that plays into this. Dijack looks brutal and hard-hitting which is one of his most impressive showings since he arrived so that works well and the post-match interaction keeps things going for next week.

-Oro Mensah/Javier Bernal backstage-Yet another winner from Bernal who's winning me over with his backstage goofiness and aloof nature which provides a lot to like setting up their match later on.

-Toxic Attraction in the ring/The Women's Division has a problem with each other-Will say this quickly but it feels weird to have Toxic Attraction coming after Roxanne for disrupting the group with Mandy's loss but not being able to fully say that part is slightly awkward so I would like another performer coming in to lead them as this feels off without being able to fully say way.

Otherwise, the rest of this was awesome with several girls coming out to roast someone only for them to get roasted themselves and launching into a fine brawl that had the whole locker room running in for a massive arena-filled spectacle. A little too chaotic to see anyone individually but sets up the importance of the belt rather well.

-Alba Fyre vs. Isla Dawn-Continues on from the previous segment with what might be the Women's match of the year, this was just spectacular. A truly brutal backstage brawl with tons of weaponry, a nice bit of plunder, and some back-and-forth sequences that had each woman get the upper hand even before we got to the ring which was just as good. The actual match stuff was fantastic stuff, keeping the mystery up as to who would win and furthering the anger and resentment each one had for the other that played nicely into the finale that's quite telling overall. Great stuff from everyone involved and I'm a fan going forward.

-Indus Sher challenge The Creeds-So we're finally getting this, reconsidered and healthy and ready to go which is great, the touches on real-life with the baseball play is perfect and gives this some time final building blocks after the previous weeks of build.

-Oro Mensah vs. Javier Bernal-Short and sweet, not enough to get truly up in arms over but also nothing really stands out either. Whether it sets up a feud going forward or moves them on from each other I don't really mind either way.

-Diamond Mine backstage-Another brief bit teasing a romantic relationship with Kiana and Jensen which is fun enough for what they're doing here.

-Andre Chase vs. Drew Gulak-Fine enough for what it is, keeping the theme of Duke's duplicitous touches on the downfall of Chase U by getting Andre's ass kicked by a guy slightly above his skill level in the ring. This was all it needed to be and I'm fine with that.

-Wes Lee Speaks-Kinda pointless, just serves to remind us that he has both Dijack and Tony after him but that won't let him stop from celebrating the New Year.

-Kofi Kingston vs. Joe Gacy-Technically solid enough for what it was, Kofi's been a World Champion and really shouldn't be going back-and-forth with someone like Gacy who hasn't done much in a singles career capacity but I kinda wanted a little more from this if they're going to insist on a feud between these two teams. Feels odd for the win this quickly but otherwise still good enough with some outside interference to keep it interesting.

-Dempsey confronts Gulak-So a twenty-second sequence to announce the match for next week between Dempsey and Bank that could've been included in a promo backstage next week so I just spent more time on this bit than it's worth.

-Pretty Deadly want the games to end-I agree, this feels so weird for the faces to put the heels through hoops for a title shot so while I appreciate the means of building this up it just seems a little backwards in how it's booked.

-Grayson Waller Effect-Some great stuff here, playing into the spear trap from several weeks ago to the constant attempts at berating Bron to get him to snap that it adds fuel to the match quite well. This is all good stuff and I have no real complaints.

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WOW: Women of Wrestling Jan 21, 2023

Let's go for the latest episode of WOW: Women of Wrestling: