Saturday, January 7, 2023

AEW Dynamite Jan. 4, 2023

Let's head over to AEW for the new Dynamite:

-Ricky Starks vs. Chris Jericho-This was a solid way to start things off, as the fiery crowd was a big help here with the high-energy affair being able to shift back and forth several times. The story of Jericho's looking streak continuing with the surprise roll-up is fine, and the post-match beatdowns, run-ins, and interaction with the rest of the JAS and Action Andretti signal plenty of fun with these going forward playing with several fun storylines.

-Hangman Adam Page in the ring-Great stuff here, setting up the events from the fateful match several months ago as the catalyst for a potential Moxley heel turn by acting quite callous towards the injury instead of being played off like an accident. The fire and passion is there for the match up but that touch is an odd touch I'm not sure I agree with.

-The Acclaimed vs. Jarrett and Lethal-Another hot match, better than anything Jarett's done since he showed up, which I did enjoy. The first half of this was a lot of fun with old-school heel chicanery and a solid fake-out title switch that adds to the fun of the fun. The second half is more storyline bits and doesn't really add much beyond setting up a potential rematch down the line but still enjoyed this quite nicely.

-Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter backstage-A nice change of pace from all the usual backstage promos where everyone starts talking over each other and nothing gets resolved. Here, them being calm and collected while making solid points that call back to how they've built the division from the start where Saraya can't even get a partner.

-Bryan Danielson vs. Tony Nese-An extended squash, which it should be as Tony has no business going toe-to-toe with him at all.

-Bryan confronts MJF-Man, I keep going back and forth on how MJF has gotten the reputation he has, he yells low-hanging fruit at someone and gets shown up by his opponent with a calm, measured approach that has a more realistic means of expressing a point. That doesn't detract from a stellar showing in the ring between them as they set everything up for a nice part of their feud going forward with his sleazy antics and stipulations keeping him away from the belt as much as he can so this is great stuff for the most part.

-AR Fox vs. Swerve Strickland-The match itself is fine, but it's a bit off that Swerve, who just turned heel and needs to solidify that, is going toe-to-toe with Fox who just arrived so I don't mind the spot but just seems like the wrong opponent for this.

-Saraya picks her partner-So this was something weird to do where the whole thing was built on a surprise that everyone was expecting one particular opponent to then drop it randomly is odd. Hikaru looking miffed at the slight can be the catalyst for a turn that would be the laziest swerve to make the assumed opponent come true but something to see in the future.

-The Gunns eulogize FTR-I appreciate the plot here, FTR going through the slump and setting the stage for more to come with the two teams. I'm still not sold on it being The Gunns as the team to do this, though.

-Skye Blue/Kiera Hogan vs. Jade Cargill/Red Velvet-A decent enough match that shows more dissension between Jade and her group as now Red seems to be the one to leave the group which makes no sense now Kiera got kicked off to start with. This new stuff with Red, who's easily the best worker of the three, has the potential to finally freshen up Jade who has been one of the stalest acts in the past few months. I just need something for what's going on as the intrigue is there but let's build on it and get something with this story that could be a way to finally get it off her. The match was meh, it's all angle here.

-Jarrett and Lethal learn the stips for a rematch-As I said, there's enough here for a rematch and we'll get it on Friday, I just don't get this backstage bit reacting to what just got announced five seconds ago and lasted nearly the same amount of time.

-Darby Allin vs. Samoa Joe-A truly fantastic bout between these two, with some solid spots, a great bit of psychology, and just the right amount of near-falls to make it believable although I did anticipate a Wardlow interference to help push that storyline along. Still, they had some time to work, had a perfectly molten crowd to work with, and it turned out electric as a result. A stellar main event, an emotional celebration, and a fun title change to kick-start things going forward.

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WOW: Women of Wrestling Jan 21, 2023

Let's go for the latest episode of WOW: Women of Wrestling: