Sunday, January 8, 2023

Impact Wrestling Jan 5, 2023

Time to move over to Impact Wrestling:

-Taylor Wilde vs. Masha Slamovitch-In general, the match itself is fine with them getting enough to work with, had some fun combinations, and a fine finish that plays into the upcoming match at the PPV. At the same time, Deonna Purrazzo provided a slew of important quips on commentary. The main thing here is Slamovitch, who had nearly a year-long undefeated streak, is now losing to a simple distraction roll-up without much else which is an odd choice for someone built up recently as an unstoppable force in the division. The post-match beat down to get the heat back is a fine touch but it was getting there that was odd.

-Sami Callihan is upset with The Design-Another short and sweet promo recapping what's going on between them and the promise of something to come soon enough.

-Rich Swann challenges Steve Maclin-A brief recap of the past few weeks of issues between them and getting the justification for their match at the upcoming PPV so good stuff.

-Anthony Green vs. Black Taurus-A simple and brutal effort to build up Taurus for the upcoming PPV match, letting his power and speed get brought into play for a decisive victory.

-Kenny King meets Mike Bailey's students and Bailey responds-A great way to ramp up the issues here is to make this even more personal than expected by seeing King take to appearing at Bailey's dojo and attack students to get Bailey into a fight. The acceptance here is perfectly fine and brings things together quite nicely for a challenge in the future.

-Jonathan Gresham vs. Ernest Anthony-Short, sweet, and brutal with that trademark manipulation providing Gresham with an easy and quick victory.

-Giselle Shaw poisons another tag-team-With Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans at each other's throats, Giselle arrives to say she's what they need to take out the champs as she makes them a threesome and they don't like each other, unlike her last teammates. The angle has promise so let's see where it goes.

-Moose confronts Joe Hendry-Started off bland and cliche with Moose going through his past as a scumbag and saying that makes him better than Hendry. Joe replies by saying Moose shouldn't go into the match with a sour face did to his theme music and suggests an edit which is a delightful and gut-busting version of Hendry's theme with lyrics slagging off Moose who exits in disgust when this version is played again instead of his usual theme. This was fantastic and finally made me like Joe somewhat as this delusional preacher never did anything for me before. This was funny, creative, and highly original as a way to get under someone's skin so well done.

-A recap of the wrestling career of Mickie James-I honestly can't say much here, this was brilliant and managed to be the best five-minute documentary on a character I've ever seen. Astounding doesn't do this justice, just watch it.

-A tribute to Don West-A briefer but no less touching tribute, recalls some of his iconic calls and influence on the roster with several of them sharing brief blurbs about him from first of second-hand experience. A great tribute, could've been longer if they had more from his glory days speak but minor quibbles for a great segment.

-Chris Sabin vs. Matt Cardona-A spectacular affair, far better than I expected, and proof that putting great workers together can lead to a fun match. They had time, kept the shenanigans to a minimum and the rest was a lot of fun so if this leads to more confrontations between these two teams I wouldn't mind.

-Bully Ray is a bastard-In theory, this should've been a great segment, with Scott D'Amore coming out to put a stop to Bully Ray's antics and then getting knocked down for it which sets up further fuel to the match with Josh. However, I've long since given up on Bully in the main event scene by this point who seems to be here only because there are no other credible challengers for Josh that has been the feeling ever since he arrived. That continues here, who despite the old-school tactics employed here doesn't have much else going for him and the advanced age doesn't help so it's all great build being used to enhance someone that I'm not interested in for a match he has no shot at winning.

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WOW: Women of Wrestling Jan 21, 2023

Let's go for the latest episode of WOW: Women of Wrestling: