Sunday, January 22, 2023

Impact Wrestling Jan 19, 2023

Time to move on over to the latest Impact Wrestling:

-Mickie James and Bully Ray come to words-Great segment here with Mickie coming out first to talk about the previous week's title match before Bully comes out and demands she leaves to let him air his grievances which she refuses and leads to some intense back-and-forths before Tasha and Savannah arrive to talk smack on Michie. She stands up to them which leads to a beatdown and a save by Jordynne and Kazarian to run them off before Santino and then Ernest 'The Cat' Miller arrive to take on what to do with everyone. A lot of moving pieces here which are handled well, the tension between Mickie and Bully was great to see of her standing up for herself, Tasha and Savannah have a great reason to be there and we get the on-screen introduction of the authority figure (or figures as it was just Santino so getting Ernest introduced as a deputy is a nice call regardless of how obscure the call is to make them as such) so everything here is storyline-wise fine enough to get everything going. Maybe a bit too long and has too many people involved but it gets us set up and continuing several storylines so I'm generally fine with.

-Mickie James/Jordynne Grace/Kazarian vs. Tasha Steelz/Savannah Evans/Bully Ray-As a match, this was great stuff and had some fun interplay that mixed everyone together from before and gave some solid bits of storyline continuation with Tasha and Savannah trying to get under Mickie's skin from the past few weeks while Bully continues his general nasty streak. Nothing too major here, just a nice long bit of time that stretched this out quite well and gave us a fun way to start this off.

-Santino Backstage-Quick backstage segment with Santino and Earnest talking about his struggles on the job and how they'll be there for each other (which won't lead to a power struggle of any kind in the future, naturally) before talking with Dango about his past potentially helping him as well leading to an angry Maclin wanting to talk about how he beat Swann at the PPV but isn't in the match next week for the contenders match. Simple enough, gives us more of Santino bouncing off others while continuing Maclin's disrespect and a match later tonight.

-Ashley D'Amboise vs. Deonna Purazzo-What could've been a simple squash match to reestablish Deonna turned into a bit more competitive than expected but still resulted in the same outcome anyway so no real need to go further.

-Trey Miguel Bakckstage-While trying to hit on Ashley backstage after the match, Trey gets confronted by Mike Jackson about him disrespecting her and leading to a match next week after a bunch of old jokes so that's going to happen apparently.

-Taylor Wilde vs. Killer Kelly-A slow but generally fine match that spills over from the PPV that was a fine TV match that can serve as a solid way to get them into a program in the future. Oddly compelling for what it was and after the earlier squatch with Purazzo a reheated Women's division might not be a bad thing here.

-Sami Callihan is conflicted-After what went down last week, Sami is feeling remorse but tries to hide it from the rest of The Design. I still don't care and I don't know why it's still a thing.

-Giselle Shaw speaks with Santino-Giselle wants a tag-team match next week and speaks with Santino about trying to find an appropriate partner so that's a thing.

-Dirty Dango vs. Steve Maclin-Inoffensive squatch match again puts Maclin to the title picture quite well. Both looked decent and didn't screw anything up, the right guy won in the right manner and I don't really mind what happened here overall.

Major Players Speak-A brief bit about the team and their upcoming match next week which is fine enough.

-Tommy Dreamer is done with Bully Ray-Another emotional spiel about the fractured relationship the two have and how everything that's happened means they'll be set for war. I get the passion and the point but I don't want these two taking up space on the show for this and I'm beyond caring about either one so do it on some indie show and give me the highlights later.

-Mike Bailey vs. Kenny King-A solid, hard-hitting match taking great advantage of the stipulation to look rather more like an MMA bout than a pro-wrestling match but it should definitively conclude this with the whole thing coming to a head decisively. Mixe the two styles quite nicely even if you really can't do much with these no-ropes style matches but with everything settled it's good to put it to bed with a fun match like this. No real complaints here, just a fun way to end things.

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WOW: Women of Wrestling Jan 21, 2023

Let's go for the latest episode of WOW: Women of Wrestling: