Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Impact Wrestling Jan. 12, 2023

Time to look at the latest Impact Wrestling show before the Hard to Kill PPV:

-A Zoom meeting between Bully Ray and Josh Alexander-As wonky as this feud has been with Bully being the wrong person I want to see in this type of scenario the setup here isn't too bad with the two going back and forth about their history together and how Josh has played into Bully's hands by taking the match away from the normal wrestling match that Josh can win easily into a hardcore-style match that favors Bully. Again, the mechanics of this feud are great as it's just the person involved that I don't enjoy.

-Heath vs. Bryan Myers-A far better showcase than this had any right to be with the two going through a solid bout featuring some nice near falls and counters. I don't know if I agree with the faces getting the upper hand in this kind of situation, especially with the clean victory here but the match itself was fun and sets up the elimination tag match going forward.

-Chris Bey and Ace Austin Have Returned-A brief backstage bit about the team bragging about their Japanese success and how that gives them the advantage over the elimination match tomorrow. If they're not going to wrestle tonight to help set their chances in motion this is a fine substitute.

-Rosemary vs. Savannah Evans-Set up with a backstage bit with Taya found attacked by the foursome before the match, the intensity was high here which lead to a solid match here. This was all about the numbers game overwhelming Rosemary and Jessicka with Tasha, Giselle, and Jai holding her and Rosemary's attention so that Savannah can take charge here. Both looked good, especially Savannah who has racked up a far greater collection of wins than Tasha who has been looking like the weak link now that she's gone through the opposing team that Tasha hasn't. I'm still not 100% sold on Giselle with the team (she looks too glamorous for the street-smart style of Tasha and Savannah) but we'll see as the build-up so far hasn't been too bad

-Mickie James and Jordynne Grace meet for the title-A solid video package highlighting the entire program with Mickie's Last Rodeo and how it lead to the title challenge at the PPV.

-Sami Callahan Joins The Design-So, I'm not entirely sure where this is going. I don't really find any value in The Design who don't seem to have a purpose or focus beyond inflicting violence yet they come across as jobbers not getting any kind of momentum or traction even after they killed off Eric Young. That makes this entire process targeting Callihan seem quite arbitrary and has led to a bizarre lack of direction here and led to a generally heatless segment. It also doesn't help that Deaner has none of the charisma Young had so he just seems like he's stalling endlessly yakking on about the group's intentions with no focus. Unless this is Sami joining to disband them once and for all I don't really care about this stuff.

-Gail Kim says a new operator is coming soon-Almost exactly what that says, tomorrow night will see a new executive coming to fill in for Scott D'Amore.

-Mike Bailey vs. Anthony Greene-A solid if somewhat short TV match that highlighted Greene almost as much as the bout last week making him look good in defeat as Bailet sets his sights on the upcoming match with 

-Bully Ray and Josh Alexander Segement-A video package highlighting their feud one last time before the match at the PPV.

-Jonathan Gresham, Rich Swann and Joe Hendry vs. Moose, Eddie Edwards and Steve Maclin-One of my personal favorite type of matches is the go-home-show cram-three-feuds-together-into-one-tag-match for the main event and it's so great to see that carry on here. This allows for tons of opportunities for people to look good without ruining the main matches set for the show, deliver some solid action along the way and potentially add some fuel to each of those programs which is what happened here. Nothing major got added but it served to get everything sorted in order and that's all I want in these matches. The right team won, this was a fun way to set things up going forward and that's all that matters.

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WOW: Women of Wrestling Jan 21, 2023

Let's go for the latest episode of WOW: Women of Wrestling: