Monday, January 16, 2023

AEW Dynamite Jan 11, 2023

Let's go back to AEW looking at the latest Dynamite:

-Jon Moxley vs. Adam Page-A solid, hard-hitting match that nicely ties into the emotional charge at the heart of the match with the constant targeting of Page's head and neck adding to the already great chemistry they have which adds quite a lot to everything here. The fire and fight displayed was great and putting everything around the head allowed for some solid suspense as this went along before tying into a strange finish where they played Mox suffering a similar situation to Page with the post-break comments.

-Adam Cole is back-So he's now healed and recovered which is great to see with everything that's happened to him, and This fiery, passionate and heartfelt promo sets him up to be a crowd favorite going forward.

-The Acclaimed wax lyrical about their challengers-A brief bit about leaving Lethal and Jarrett behind and looking for new challengers which is great to hear.

-Hook/Jungle Boy vs. Lee Moriarty/Big Bill-Simple yet enjoyable tag match that had the faces stand up to the heels and show they're not going to be pushed around by them despite the size difference. Beyond that and the suplex to Bill which was fine, nothing else stood out here.

-Orange Cassidy and Best Friends make up-Something to do with some big recording artist giving an award on Friday and The Best Friends are now back on the same page after the Kip Sabian feud so all's right with the world.

-MJF/Konosuke Takeshita/Bryan Danielson collide-Boy, all kinds of stuff here. First, MJF continues to prove himself one of the most overrated talkers on the mic, his low-hanging-fruit style of sports jokes and name-butchering just comes off as cringe from a guy who went toe-to-toe with Punk last year and really hasn't changed much in the time since as it's always the same thing. Even resorting to roasting celebrity guests is just as cringe-inducing as he's not clever enough like the all-time great to do it as they come off like low-hanging fruit directed at someone famous which is not that creative. I get his motivations for running down Danielson ahead of the match but this is some of the worst stuff I've heard from him and is really lowering my stance on him.

As for the match, a bit slower than I expected but still incredibly fun stuff here. Danielson can work wonders with just about anyone and Takeshita has been a treat almost every time he is in the ring. The chemistry is great, the near-falls at the end were timed nicely to make it believable and the post-match respect is appropriate for who they are going forward if Takeshita is going to be as big a star as he looks. I'd like him to win something to confirm that but great stuff overall.

-Juice Robinson arrives-Nothing more than a challenge for Orange Cassidy on Friday.

-Toni Storm/Saraya vs. Britt Baker/Jamie Hayter-The match was good enough, but after teasing Sasha/Mercedes and not delivering it felt a bit flat. A lot of that was built on fan theory, but beyond that what we got here was fine for what it was even if it did run a bit too long. It seemed more about the potential Shida heel turn as that kendo stick was not aimed at Toni but definitely in the middle for either of them to grab and it being used by Britt looked somewhat obvious. I'm more interested in that than anything else here which is the wrong call in this kind of situation but at least the heels have their victory over Saraya at this point.

-Eddie Kingston and Ortiz are still confused about The House of Black-You and me both, I still don't get what this is about and all it's done is seem to get these two bickering with each other over trusting The other when they've been a team long enough for that not to be an issue. I think that's what this is about, but I'm not entirely sure.

-The JAS confronts Ricky Starks and Action Andretti-After more crowd reaction and banter from the JAS about upcoming matches, Ricky and Action arrive to make jokes about the group being uncontrollable which leads to Ricky versus Hager next week that was just shown on the graphic do it felt anticlimactic. I love that they're trying to give the young guys a run against the veteran Jericho who has his lackeys to throw at them while still being able to whine and cry about the losses and not backing down makes them look good despite everything they've done to the youngsters. It just took forever to get there, especially after the eternal MJF bit from earlier so although the feud is progressing nicely and had some bits I like (I think they're trying to get Tay's "I am street-fight" over like Jake's "I like this hat" which I could be down for to broaden the group a little more with some depth) it came off a bit longer than it should've.

-The Elite vs. Death Triangle-This was wild, filled with action, and exciting but I don’t think it was truly great. It felt rushed at times and like everyone was working together to do spots rather than it feeling like two teams competing which comes off kinda clunky at times with the prearranged spots. There were standout moments for sure but this didn't raise the stakes from the other matches to blow this off (which I'm still not sure why it was supposed to be a Best-of-Seven anyway) and we're back at the starting point anyway with The Elite taking the belts so an underwhelming way to end things.

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WOW: Women of Wrestling Jan 21, 2023

Let's go for the latest episode of WOW: Women of Wrestling: