Wednesday, January 18, 2023

AEW Rampage Jan. 13, 2023

Time for us to go to the new AEW Rampage:

-Darby Allin vs. Juice Robinson-A rather fun and athletic match that brought a better showcase for Juice than anything I've seen from him before as I wasn't that sold on him until then. He looked great and took Darby to the limit with some impressive physicality that told the tale of Darby's resilience against Juice's imposing stature leading to a creative finish that was executed quite well. Great stuff all around.

-A reading from the Book of Hobbs-Another brief bit like last week about his upcoming return and intent to destroy.

-The Acclaimed receive a Walk-of-Fame Star-What the hell was this crap? A lame rap combined with utterly unfunny comedy with The Gunns appearing and getting shown up thinking they're going to get a star on the Walk of Fame to then get pantsed like they were children just was a continuous pile of unfunny comedy onto of a completely unworthy starting point that didn't need to be here.

-Swerve talks about the Mogul Affliates-A bunch of bleh here, I still don't know who the group is, who their members are, or what we're doing with yet another stable threatening to unleash violence is going to do which makes this a skippable segment.

-Eddie Kingston/Ortiz vs. Kings of the Black Throne-So they finally added a starting behind this whole thing where it's related to a spot from several weeks ago where Eddie was the only one not taken out when they returned to lay out the rest of the participants in a match which I had never noticed before. That made the hard-hitting match feature a solid undercurrent of mistrust as they continue that thread that has been introduced into the program during the previous weeks' promos and led to a fun time here. If this gets a bit more time to spell things out, I might be a bit more on board here as this was a nice way to fill in some of the gaps going on so far.

-Jade Cargill Boots Red Velvet-Simply a means of announcing that Red is officially out of The Baddies

-Golden Globe-hausen-What started as a lame celebrity guest as he started in on loving the sport and being there for fans turned into a near-tragedy when Jarrett stuck his unwanted stable into the business laying him out before finally coming around into the watchable realm when Cassidy and the Best Friends arrived to drive them off. Now we're getting a program we don't need as this trio doesn't need to be put over more as they fight to retrieve the stolen trophy which they've taken for reasons. If this made sense, I'd be into it but it's Jarrett so I don't care.

-Willow Nightengale/Ruby Soho vs. TayJay-A brutal, bloody affair that finally puts this to rest in grand fashion as this was a lot of fun. The spots were fun and integrated well, everyone took a big bump which I advocate for if they're going to go with this kind of match, and as a consequence, everyone looked good even in defeat. Of course, Ruby looks the best with the punishment taken and dished out which I'm in favor of as she was the focal point of everything and made for a fine end to everything.

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WOW: Women of Wrestling Jan 21, 2023

Let's go for the latest episode of WOW: Women of Wrestling: